Grab a bargain vegetable steamer at Asda

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Steamer for sale

I’ve been looking for a vegetable steamer for a while and came across this bargain. It was on sale for only £12 from George Home (in Asda). I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get a kitchen gadget that would save me time and money so I decided to give it a go.

The best reasons to get a food steamer

With rising energy prices I am always looking for ways to save money and this is one way to save both time and money.

Steamers cook food quicker, saving time and precious energy. Using less electricity is one way of saving some money. And it allows you to create healthy meals faster. People often choose convenience over health, but there is no need to choose with a steamer. It makes it so much easier to cook veg that is full of goodness.

Also, they are a great way to keep nutrients in food. Cooking with steam allows a lot more minerals to stay in your food. On the other hand, boiling or roasting food loses a lot more of the natural vitamins. Staying healthy is never more important and with food costing more I, like many others, am looking for ways for food to be prepared in a cost-effective way.

Final thoughts

I’m excited to try out some new recipes with my latest kitchen gadget. So there will be a lot more steamed recipes coming. I was also pleased with the price as other food steamers cost upwards from £20 with this originally costing £21. Although, even at this price it is a good offer.

So far it seems to be a good investment, it is bigger than I thought and seems easy to use. As a vegan vegetables make up the majority of my diet so this is going to be a game changer.

And, if you are quick you might still be able to grab this bargain whilst it’s on sale!

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