How To Make a Simple Vegan Pasta With Veggie Meatballs

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A vegan staple – Pasta for dinner

Simple, easy and quick, are just some reasons pasta makes a fantastic vegan meal. I love fast food but not the kind you get from a takeaway. Instead, I like food which can be made quickly on a busy day. And a delicious pasta with (veggie) meatballs is one of my many quick cook meals.

  1. Try my rainbow salad if a buddha bowl-style salad is more to your taste.

Step 1 homemade pasta sauce

First, we need to make a sauce. And before you think a shop-bought jar is easy, this homemade version is so simple it will become a weekly staple. So, all you need to do is roast some vegetables.

For this sauce I used:

  • Red pepper
  • Onion
  • Carrot
  • Vine tomatoes

I like to use what ingredients I have so my meals are similar but never really the same. However, there are usually some similar ingredients such as carrots and tomatoes in my pasta sauce which give it a sweet flavour.

Once the vegetables are roasted – I used an air fryer for this, I simply blend them with a can of chopped tomatoes. And not only is this a quick way of making a sauce it is cheap. You can pick up a can of chopped tomatoes in any supermarket for less than £1. So make sure you stock up as whilst the chopped tomatoes alone might be plain combining it with a few simple ingredients creates a delicious sauce.

Also, if you add a few herbs you’ll have yourself an amazing sauce for a bargain price.

Vegan Meatballs

To add some protein to your meal add some fake meat. I’m not the biggest fan of pretend meats personally. But some are better than others.

These plant-based meatballs from Asda are quick to cook and handy to keep in the freezer to add to meals.

Also, they are labelled vegan which is great. So many supermarkets are growing their vegan ranges so I like to try and support different products when possible.


The final product – a delicious pasta and meatball meal

Whilst this might not be the best-looking dinner it is certainly delicious. I work full-time to have a few quick cook recipes I go to. But you don’t need to give up on health when making something fast and making your own sauce is one way to get those vegetables in your diet and keep your meal mostly whole foods.

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