A Wonderful Warming Winter Soup Recipe With Avocado Toast

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Soup season is coming

Whilst I’d like the warmer weather to last forever soup season is coming. Or as some people call it Winter. I love nothing more than warming foods on cold nights to keep you strong and healthy. It is perhaps one of the only things I like about the colder weather and darker nights.

So, I thought I would share my stable winter recipe because this is something I have all the time.

Firstly, it is super healthy filled with different vegetables and protein sources. Secondly, it is cheap to make not to mention easy to cook up. So if you are a beginner this is the perfect way to start eating better.

Lastly, it is a staple vegan recipe to have during the wintertime. Filling your plate (or bowl) with lots of healthy and nutritious foods is one way to beat any winter illnesses. In fact, since going vegan and eating a healthier, whole food diet I have rarely been sick and I believe this is because of the foods I eat. Making sure you are getting lots of vitamins and minerals should be an essential part of your diet as it certainly is with mine.

I hope you like this soup recipe as much as I do!

What will you need for the soup:

The essentials:

There are a few staples to my soup recipe which I use all the time, everything else is optional.

For example, if you want to switch it up and add different vegetables each time feel free. Using what you have in the fridge is a great way to save money and avoid food waste. In addition, it allows you to have different flavours and textures in each soup which is great for keeping a weekly meal interesting.

For some ingredients I like to keep them the same, these include:

  • Kallo organic vegetable stock cubes – this is my favourite flavour but I have used other vegan options for Kallo such as the mushroom stock cubes
  • Pearl barley – I love the flavour this adds to the soup. Also, it is affordable and filling great for those on a budget
  • Leek – this base adds flavour and texture to the soup, it is a great every-time base

Vegetables needed:

  • Potatoes – white or sweet potatoes, I like to add a mixture of both
  • Red onion – this adds a sweet flavour, not essential, especially when using a leek but I love the flavour
  • Carrots – I hear they are good for your eyes and add some sweetness

Protein source:

  • Tofu – I love adding tofu to my soup as a source of protein – controversial perhaps but tasty non-the-less
  • Red lentils – my soups are not only packed with flavour but made to be super filling. Lentils are a great source of cheap vegan protein whilst also creating a filling meal

Additional extras:

  • Pasta – don’t knock it until you try it – again I am making my soup super filling
  • Brown rice – same deal, it adds flavour and bulks up any soup
  • Herbs and spices – even though I use a stock cube I also like to use a mixture of herbs including mixed Italian seasoning, cumin, turmeric, paprika and sage. Add any you like here or none at all.
  • Tomato sauce – I’ve always added this for the flavour and the nutrients
  • Nutritional yeast – this is great to add on top of your soup for flavour

Warming Winter Soup Recipe

This is a super simple recipe that doesn’t require lots of work. Basically, if you can chop some vegetables you are good to go:

  1. Firstly, peel and chop your vegetables – I’ve given you the example of what I use above but any veg will do. I’d recommend some essentials though such as leek and potatoes as you want the meal to be filling
  2. Mix all the vegetables in a soup dish or large pot and add your extras – pearl barley, lentils, pasta and rice make this meal super filling just make sure to rinse your legumes before adding
  3. Add your spices, and some tomato sauce and mix
  4. Now it’s time to add boiling water and cover, then bring to the boil
  5. Add the stock cube once boiling and leave to cook on a low heat
  6. If desired add tofu for around 15 minutes before you finish cooking, this is enough time for it to absorb some flavour
  7. Cook until the vegetables are soft this usually takes around 30 minutes
  8. Eat and enjoy – I like to pair it with avocado toast

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