How amazing is the new BOSH Smokey nutritional yeast?

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Bosh Nutritional Yeast Review Intro

I love trying new vegan products like nutritional yeast, which is probably a good thing when I have a blog to fill. I often pick something up on a whim just to see what I can make or create with it. And of course, I may as well share my thoughts on it.

After being a massive fan of nutritional yeast in in general I decided to try this new vegan product when I saw it. So, is this product amazing? Or is it something you don’t need to spend money on?

What is nutritional yeast?

Nutritional Yeast is a food additive that comes in a flake form. As a type of deactivated yeast it has a nutty even cheese flavour whilst being completely vegan.

Some may call this a staple of the vegan diet (I certainly do) and it has grown in popularity in recent years with many brands now offering the product.

Whilst it can be expensive it lasts a long time and adds a delicious flavour to foods such as pasta and salads that makes it worth having as a cupboard staple for me.

Who are Bosh?

Bosh is a vegan food company which started as vegan videos and has grown to recipe books, tv shows and products.

Indeed, I love to support a vegan business to I have used their recipe books and tried other products like the cake mixes.

The thing I like about buying products from vegan businesses is you know you can trust the ethics involved. Lately, there have been a lot of ‘accidently vegan’ products changing recipes out of nowhere. This can be extremely confusing when you are used to something being vegan and not aware of any changes. Shopping with a vegan company eliminates the need to be checking the ingredients each time.

In addition, supporting small vegan businesses has never been more important. A lot of small businesses are struggling to suvive with the cost of living so I want to spend my money on businesses I want to see succeed.

This means you will see more small business product and company reviews on here. I aim to share reviews and do my little bit to support companys I think are doing well.

Bosh are one of these companys. They have grown massively and so far all the products I have tried are really nice.

Product Review – Is the Smoky Yeast worth it?

I bought this product on a whim. I’ve used their original nutritional yeast before (which is amazing by the way) and because of this I wanted to see what this was like.

I love the smokey flavour. Firstly, if you are a fan of spice you will like this. Whilst it has less of a nutty flavour than I am used to with nutritional yeast the BBQ and chilli style spice is lovely.

Adding this to salads and tofu scrambles has been lovely. It gives it a rich flavour as well as adding a little flavour to a salad.

The only drawback I have is I wouldn’t use this on pasta. I like the traditional cheese flavour for this so it does mean I have to stock up on the regular as well.

However, I enjoyed trying something new and have been using it in my many salad bowls. In the future I may stick to the original. This is because it is more versitile and I use it on more foods. But I’m glad I know what this is like now.

Will you be giving it a go?

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