Dessert for Breakfast How To Make Chocolate Oats

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Who doesn’t love something sweet for breakfast? This is one for those with a sweet tooth and a great way to start your day.

Sweet or savoury breakfast

The eternal debate is sweet vs savoury when it comes to breakfast but I for one love a dessert. Whilst some people love having a dessert substitution for breakfast others would never dream of it.

I’m happy either way but mostly I love a quick and simple meal to start my day. Having porridge is one way to eat something filling and quick whilst making sure it is packed with nutrients. However, it can get a bit boring and plain. But there are ways to make your morning meal a little more interesting.

A breakfast staple

Having oats for breakfast is nothing new. Many people start their day with porridge whether that’s quick oats made in the microwave or those cooked on the stove. And it is a super healthy way to start your day. Firstly, oats slowly release energy meaning your meal can tide you over until lunch. Secondly, they are filling and nutritious. Lastly, oats are quick to make.

I think porridge is a breakfast staple. Whilst it can seem a little plain to some it is easy to make for mornings when you don’t want anything fancy. Also, it is not impossible to add a little more interest to this meal.

Chocolate oats

Whilst I am a fan of a savoury breakfast I do occasionally like something sweet. I find that having something sweet early on makes me less likely to want to snack later.

Moreover, chocolate oats are not unhealthy. I have found ways to make my breakfast both sweet and nutritious.

Simple porridge recipe

  • Oats
  • Non-dairy milk – I use oat milk

I measure out my oats based on how hungry I am but usually just add them to a bowl first, you will get used to how much you need using the same breakfast bowl. However, this is around 50grams for those of you who like measurements.

I add this to a pan and cover it with oat milk (around 250ml) but just enough to cover the oats.

Heat and mix until cooked.

Everything is better with chocolate

There are two ways I make my oats chocolatey

  1. Firstly, I often add cocoa powder which is rich in magnesium and adds a chocolate flavour to the actual oats when cooking
  2. Secondly, if I feel like plain oats I will add choc shot from sweet freedom who create vegan sweeteners which are healthier and contain natural ingredients

I used the second option for the oats pictured adding the chocolate syrup to plain oats to add a little something extra.

I then added dates and chopped bananas for even more sweetness. This really was a dessert for breakfast.


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