Fall in Love This February With New Vegan Snacks

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February Vegan Favourites 2022

As I type this there’s a storm outside. With raging winds and occasional hail stone showers, I am looking forward to spring. I’m sure I’m not alone in this.

February this year is a month where I’ve spent a lot of time indoors. Whilst this is mainly due to the weather and the biting cold, it’s also because I got sick and wasn’t able to get out much.

Since this month brings with it a lot of introspection, I thought I would share some things I’m loving. So, grab a cuppa and have a look at some vegan snacks and cool things I’ve come across.

Journaling: Writing my way to happiness

The Happiness Journal

I love writing, see exhibit A – this website. Also, as I work in the mental health and counselling sector and know the importance of self-care.

Focusing on your well-being is as essential as eating a healthy diet. On the one hand, I enjoy a plant-based diet to keep my body healthy. And this year I am determined to prioritize my mental health too.

As a gift this Christmas I received a happiness journal, it’s great for reflecting on what makes you happy. How many of us consider this on a daily, weekly or even yearly basis? Are you living a life you love, following your passions, and enjoying your life? And if not, why not.

The book (pictured above) from The Works is a handy little guide, I’m loving it so far. Indeed there are loads of these types of books around, I think this is a great size and was a perfect gift.

Vegan Biscuits: Maryland Cookies goes plant based

I stumbled across these in Aldi – you can always find a rare vegan treat in there. Previously I used to love these cookies when I was vegetarian so it’s nice that there is now a plant-based version.

Although I prefer home-made food but it’s nice to have options. These were delicious and taste just like I remember.

Going vegan is getting easier than ever. When you can get regular brands like this it’s clear, times really are changing.

Vegan Cheese: Nurishh

I like trying new vegan options when they are on offer. This was one of those items. This new range Nurishh have a lot of different vegan cheese flavours. Whilst this was not my favourite, I will definitely try some others from this brand.

I do like that there are so many vegan options availabe in supermarkets now. Who says being vegan is hard!

Peanut Butter: Manilife really is like no other

Another day, another offer. This time I was given a free jar of peanut butter for shopping regularly at Sainsburys. Who am I to say no? I have wanted to try this peanut butter by Manilife for a while and I was not disappointed. It really is one of the best, with a high price tag to match!

Perfect for a treat option.

Vegan toothpaste: Necessary after all the snacks

Everything I buy is vegan even my toothpaste. I thought I would try this brand Waken which comes in an aluminum tube which can be recycled.

A completely plastic free toothpaste is hard to find, especially on a budget. This is a great, affordable option for anyone looking for a vegan and (almost) plastic-free option.

When Weddings go Vegan

Is there anything worse than being invited to an event and not having anything to eat. That vegan struggle is real! But things are getting better. Recently I went to a Wedding where they had a full vegan menu.

I was impressed that they made sure I had vegan wines coming round especially to make sure it was suitable and the food was delicious!

The wedding was at Stirk House for anyone looking for a venue that caters for everyone.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed my February favourites. I’m planning to do this every month so watch this space!

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